I love all the artsy things. The smell of markers and the click they make as they cap and uncap. The texture of paint as I move it across a surface. The colors and feel of fabric. The faint scratchy feel of a micro pen across a textured paper.
I’ve dabbled in everything creative, from color theory and drawing classes in college to torn paper collage, encaustic, acrylics, photography, and printmaking. But I’ve always returned to needle and thread when I was looking for connection, comfort, and creativity.
What I’ve struggled with most are two things.
First, calling myself an artist. I’m going to drop a video about my perspective on this, but the TLDR is this: you are an artist. Period. If you make things, draw things, design things, or arrange wildflowers in a vase, you are an artist. If you make art, you are an artist. You may not be a professional artist, but that’s a whole different thing.
Also, I struggle with consistency. I’ve always been drawn to making, but life seems to get in the way. Actually, everything else seems to get in the way. We live in a culture that treats art as an optional luxury. And I’ve lived that way for too long. It’s not healthy for me, or anyone else.
We are made to be makers and consumers of art and it is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself and others. The experience of art changes us, both making art and enjoying art. It quite literally changes our brain and body.
It’s been a journey for me, but I’ve redefined who I am, who I want to be, and how I move through the world through simple, everyday art making. And I want to encourage you on that journey too. It will change your life.
On a more personal note...
I love so many things! Rain, challenging hikes and slow country strolls, any beach when it’s not crowded, twinkle lights, flowers, snuggly quilts (of course!), BBQ, books, books, and more books, exploring new places, learning new things, leisurely dinners with friends, cooking with my husband, and being on a lake in a kayak or on a stand up paddleboard. Oh, and color. And deep conversations. And stories. And bonfires with S’mores. And laughing. So many things…
I’m an artist, author, and designer cultivating a home in Middle Tennessee.
I believe strongly in the power of both nature and creativity to help us thrive as people. So happy to meet you and I hope I can contribute to your creative journey!
Let's journey together!
Now that you know me a little, I'd love to learn about you. Let’s connect on social media!